Employees Stock Option Scheme / Employees Stock Purchase Scheme

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Employees Stock Option Scheme / Employees Stock Purchase Scheme

Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOPs) and Employee Stock Purchase Schemes (ESPPs) are popular incentives offered by companies to their employees. ESOPs grant employees the option to purchase company shares at a predetermined price, usually at a discounted rate, after a vesting period. This aligns employee interests with company performance and can serve as a retention and motivation tool. ESPPs, on the other hand, allow employees to buy company shares at regular intervals, often at a discounted price, typically through payroll deductions. These programs enable broader employee ownership and participation in the company’s success. Both ESOPs and ESPPs can foster a sense of ownership, improve employee morale, and provide a potential financial benefit. They require careful design and compliance with regulatory guidelines to ensure equitable and tax-efficient distribution of shares to employees.